Extra! Extra!

Monica Paz

Monica Paz: May 2- 7

We are delighted to welcome Monica Paz back to Albuquerque.

The Encanto weekend offers us countless tangos, milongas, and valses. Do you want to adjust your interpretation of these pieces? Monica proposes an intense and personalized work that will help you capture the subtleties of the dance. Don't dance everything the same way, add flavor to each piece. Enjoy each tanda because "La vida es una milonga." Learn more about Monica

Book your private lesson Book your semi-private lesson


Happy Hour at Hotel Zazz

Thursday, May 2, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at Hotel Zazz, 3711 Central Avenue NE.

You spoke and we listened! Many of you expressed interest in attending a reception before the pre-Encanto milonga, so we're making plans for it. The speakeasy serves wine, beer, cocktails, and mocktails. You'll purchase your own drinks. Charcuterie boards will be provided. Relax and mingle before Encuentro Encanto 2024 kicks off!

You'd still have time for an unrushed dinner before the pre-Encanto milonga at 8:00 PM. We recommend making reservations at least a few days in advance, especially in the Nob Hill neighborhood, where Hotel Zazz is located. Nob Hill restaurants tend to be small and get busy starting around 5:00 PM, even on weeknights. Not all restaurants require or accept reservations, so check their websites for details.


Get Your Encanto T-Shirts

Don't walk around topless. Protect yourself from the harsh elements of the Southwest and look fabulous as you proclaim your milonguero creed.

Made from the new tri-blend, a soft cotton fabric with performance properties, our high-quality shirts are free range, gluten free, and for sale at the encuentro, with no shipping and handling fee. Available in styles for men and women. $20 (please bring cash). All terms and conditions apply.

The wearer of our t-shirts assumes all responsibility and risk. We accept no liability or responsibility for any compliments, unsolicited or otherwise, during and after the event.

Encuentro Encanto
Photo by Kuro Kurosaka